*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



Greatly greetings to all,

its's been sucha long while since i did last update wit this kan. if i could hav remembered how many blogspots i update and deleted. ha. wel; for this time; hav nt been cyberworld lately so gues this is already perfect enough to kip me occupied wile on loose kan.wel. cant deny definitely this first post is gona be pretty long; bt i.l try my best to kip it moderate so thrs always a better things to say for tmrw. so now gues jus start wit time. i;ve been habiskan most of my time wit my sweet2 gf.s lately. Despite byk yg nak dipikirkan kat keje kan. Dgn intro,surrounding. I wonder hw long the lost could hav last. Its true la ape they mention. We work here cos we gt great frens. Nt for the acmo. i gota agree wit that bt i always rmbr this word saying. Stay in this job* hmmmm...

alryte to start on a proper one; this fall's on the 13th last mnth. gota giv a quick one la cos ader some pic.s to post out jugak. hee. wel; met wit grl.s lagi. i was nt workng that day though. Da terlalu kaye.. perhaps; its was raining la so that should be a slash reasons why i took the cab from sengkang-paya lebar. sound.s good enough kan. alite at singpost den. met them at kfc.. and next we head off to grandlink. And yes. While walking towards der. Been wondering much wit zak. I really spent alot ya noe.. wel. jus to be hapy,thats the best i cn do to myselfs for nw. karoke til around 12.30 g2..nxt der.s no more plan running, me and zak jus head off naik cab and drop by to aljunied to get key from fie. while iz and ella proceed their own way. hee. mcm rich2 gitu. at aljunied itselfs; gues disaat itulah, only zak noe how was my reaction upon sth kan. ehee..let jus leave the burden behind btw me and her. then sat down til 1 plus next proceed home; -to start on the next brand same day again-

Recently jugak; grab wit anothr go. Kalau tk jumpe diorg aftr work. we'l jus head off to karoke again. ehee. As kalau i tk lupe. Its on the 20th.yeb. the pay's in. cocked up wit a few plans. and wel ended up g karoke lagik.. head off wit cab towards pelangi or perhaps isit cahaya; to eat. Along the way tu, i was rili down wit giddy, goodness thks adr cap kapak ella. gt thr and chose claypot beef rice as part to fill; surprisingly, the one who serve my food was "edy". Aftr like so long,first followed by the last; i rili dont bother. ela and zak kip on hinting blg he.s been lookin back towards me couple of times. so, wen dey say that; i knew i wasnt wrong that was him la. Gues that moment nak g bayar duit makn. Dey memang sengaje nak i double confirm gitu kan. And yeh, knew it was rite since the begining. He jus smiled. perhpas to me; nth worth to say anything upon such miracle la cos again; it.s nt the one tht i rili hope for to bump al this while, haha; alryte, next head off to sing til 12.30 again. Grab de cab home. And ingat nak sit a while more. Bt zak hav to go home cos mommy da calling. So while walking towards de same area. Terserampak wit emma dgn yan. gota kip you eyes stay staring for this ye. How sweet! Dey were actually waiting for fie bt gave me this reason nak celebrate on my behalf of my 1yr 5mnths success. How touching this hubby and wife bought me 6 cubcakes ya noe. cant deny it was rili beautiful and nice. Hm..How sad kan. Dey nvr knew we didn’t turn out this far. Infact they remrmbered. Well. Dint say much lah. Of cos i did tears for the cubcakes bt al i said was. Fate wil bring as together. "insyallah" Dats all. next kite laugh out rili loud cos dey jus gt to noe it was suppose to b 22nd and nt the 21st. Well nyway. Ayumi look soo much bigger now. Glad to see baby soo fit and healthy. gota giv a shock surprise for baby yumi next weekend, together wit man and indra. Sat down till i gues around 2. and i am sleepy cos it was since morning dari work and till den.. i jus got home..soon later; fie gt down. and they lead their way;

29th met iesyahh aftr wrk.. i kene stuck kat work til 6.35 whrby i should actually end at 5. U cn imagine wat i feel..well. Head off to pr. To meet her,zan and aisyah. Aftr soo long last met them. Its becos rya lambat la.. we cnt spend that much time everything were soo smooth.. its like back to skool times g2. Whrby kite slalu mit each other and thrs always sth to tok bout.. now al hav their own things to manage; skool, work, so its gona be vry rare to mit like way bac befor.. adr jugak they plan for june. Bt we’l reconsider again bile dpt jumpe mcm yesterday.. feel so missed.. wel; rya if nt wil b planning either to Bangkok or kl this june wit ara and the rest. Infact.. on the run aso dgn yan, as planed wil head off to batam stakat nak main go-cart together wit lin and yg lain. Ha.tu pon bulom confirm. Well, we’l should see how the updates get going.. dlm 8.20 g2k, walk all the way to pr inter to get train to bugis. Get couple of clothes and tu pun tetapp taknakk jln.. mcm geramm gituu mate ni nak stay cari bajuu lagikk..Ha.. its bcos kedainye byk danak tutp la we terpakse head off. back to pr. Niat nak mkn long john bt tempatt makann nye dagelapp. Imagine last mkn was 11.15 in the morning. They slot rya nye lunch time.. and till den sampai la malamm.. dint had anything at all. Dkat dlm train tu.. da ramaii.. mcm nak pitam pon adr.. da sampai pr. Take away mc d and head home..

alryte enough for the past; lets look ahead forward aryte. today;s the 6th. and nothing much happen lately. rya on leave for quite a rili long time due to some reasons. and i mean,rili long; hee. and yesterdy back to work again. ended at 6 and we al waited for zak til 7 to proceed off.wondering stil until now; wen's my pay's coming in. head of to plazasing and had mcd wit al. thnks syafiqa for the sweetest one. (: dint browse much. cos we reach thr da dlm 8 plus gitu. and we had dinner wit the time flying. so we sat aftr that and had de toks. it was way bac memories. bt i noe they knew it was nvr dat easy for me yet. nvr. took the cab off dlm 10.30 gitu and today, i.l hav the last say. i tk g keje lagi. hehee. good day to all.


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*