*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



greetings all;
wel; nth much jus to kip me away from bored. seems everyone's wrking. shall jus be home now since im off for today. iman and ju wil be coming ovr perhaps later to ani's home grabbing me along as; wil b sending a huge cake to be decorated for fin's bday on friday. mcm klakar gitu kan. they cn beli da siap. tapi taknak. wel; sincerity comes first correct. hm, had an early sleep last nyte cos wasnt out or anywhr. and truely, i rili had nth to do for today. gues this blogspot is rili good huh. boleh rya shoot nonsense kan. hm. wel; got noted, mak abah wil b away again tmrw til sunday. this is the 3rd week already they'l be on holiday mood.syg kan rya tak dpt nak OFF lagik, if nt. rili memang nak follow dem. cos first and de last; dpt rya makan bykkk kat sane..hehe; so, for the next few days, wil b wit fie aje and infact wil be or wil nt be. hmm...

for now, memang tgh takde mkn kat rumah. so hopefully dey'l should b food coming my way later.wondering wondering, bile la gaji nak masuk.. infact, rya tgh seram2 sejuk wit for the less then 20 days to come. ada rase worried of cos, adr rase lupe pon adr. insyallah. i.l jus hope everything.s gona b smooth as wishes. cos, da lame takde exam. nie kirekan mcm exam la jugakkan.hmm.

mira and meimei hinted for last few days issue. haha. taknk mira.. aku taknak.. hehe.first, im worried. second. im worried. and third. i dunwan. (: i stil hav my success to gain. i stil hav alot othr specialities to wish for. and not forgotten to min and arip, thnks for the upcoming one. it was nice and sweet; perhaps yg belen2 tu. wil be leaving it behind for later2. cos, the fun for fin is nt out yet; coming near soon. dari situu rya gues; they'l shall see how fiq gona react. haha. we jus wish de best for them la alryte.

Congratulation to lilyn and Iz for the planning of engagement; so happy for them; insyallah the best up to jinjang pelamin yea lyn. be happy always and dun forgett baby yumi and me wil always smile for u. counting forward la. baby yumi wil b 1 yr in few days time. genap yumi 3 tahun. i noe sth's sweeter wil lead you al yea. And kalau man is reading this; dun forget yumi and my sth sth. hee.

and not forgotten for yumi; had a visit that time to see her, she's gettin cuter emma, die da mcm nadia kecik2. babies are sunshine to al eyes. greatest gift from allah. shall catch wit yumi again this friday wit gathering for fin's.

last bt nt least; happy2 to all(:

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*