*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



alryte al; jus a quick one ya cos time jus strike 12am on my end here. while skrg ni, by this time i should actually be puffing and down arranging my pillow already. hee. miang kn nak postage up some snaps. hee. wel; today at workk is jus some ordinary. had de blast nan fiqa and feel like god damn she saves my sweetest life today. feel soo greatly honoured. was caught on a kol; ryte early before duty starts; ella's nt coming. bagaikn nak rak aku dgr perkataan tu. was down jab kn. wondering; hell im gona be dam alone for the entire day.

skali baru naik from puffs; terserempak nan fiqa. waah ku rase mcm nak peluk je die ketat2. good thing; she was feeling the same way as katenye tak nampak rya, worried i wasnt at work. memang nak huggg jee diee tu knn.haha.. pakkal die ngandung. kang senak anak die kene tekan. haa. so for well; had lots of sorting out wit fiqa from beginning ryte til de end of the day; and pleasurely im gona say thks cos gave me al those useful advise. i.l heed to that;

okok; gota gett going; nak mam and wil reedit again once back wit more news for tmrw. ryte down. took some snaps on 12/04 together wit al; not forgotten snaps took by emma and click; biggest thnks once again to all who've bring the joy;

gooooonytte loveeliess!!

*sweetest gift, by sweetest ela; love*

*peratikanla makanan tu betol2. wakakaka*


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*