*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



g0od morning to my dear al;
wel; jus gt back from de date wit the pakcik earlier. wel; gues it's gona be a nightmare cos basically in less den 24 hrs time. i'm gona b down wit bullseye!! wel. stil on the rocks la. bt just hope wil go wit the best and flow.

basically had de prac ystrday that ended around 9pm gitu.planned wit el to head of to sing, actually. bt basically el is down wit god.s creature dat she change her mind to pub. and zak has her own reasons. wel; i didnt follow el obviously. cos ther's no such routine yet in the dictionary. so. advsd her to jus proceed on la. and baby wel; she did waited for me aftr al. obviously it was rili nice. bt nt til up to the occasion season. wait for zak's moment aryte el? *wink.

made a kol to fiq cos was told in anyways i've ended my prac. do giv him a kol to out for dinner. made a quick one. and he came ovr to fetch and we jus head off to cashstudio to sing. god wel damn while waiting for him. brother2nye punye bykkk. gues dey noe tht he.s reaching thrr soon that seems at dat moment, every single one of them seems to b dissapeared. amazing huh! dat is in the genes fiq. hee.

under planing to go either to simpang or ming arcade. so jus make a quick decision. jus book for de midnight. and head home for a while to cook for him. wel atleast he did taste on how i cooked. hee. make a quick one to clear the rabbit as dats the reason for me to jus head home actually. and grab de cab around 12am gitu to head off.. hee. to bedok inter cash. basically it was a biggest memory aftr al. as we last met each other gues around...3 yrs plus before. and aftr al dis long last we met now once more again. sang la.. dari rock to i dunnoe wad ..sampai ke dangdut. ha. cant deny it he rili do have a great voice. teringat balek dat he created a song jus for me on my bdae. dat was... ya.. 3 yrs back..hmm..of cos i didnt forget that fiq..soo...sang la and laughed till cashstudio closes gitu. around 4am.

it was lots of stories to tell rili. for this 3 yrs plus i didnt giv a slight meet to him. i rili loses alot of interesting was nice. today was a fine and perfect day for us. aftr de sing. head of to cheers and grab my REDBULL. i am suppose to b sleeping at that time actually. bt im actually outside having fun. haa. so. afraid i'l b sleeping and afraid i'l cant get up.. jus grab de redbull to keep me awake for the next few hours. bought the energy one. bt rili bile part duduk dgn die. tgk bintang.. and of cos had my puffs to avoid me sleeping. i makin ngantok.. god damn de effect is totally slow ppl. had de talks and leave bedok around 5.15am wit the cab sending us off.

da sampai ruma.. bukak tv.. avoid myself from lying down. baruuu.. dapat rase de active once more. i cant deny i do feel tired while im typing now. bt atleast while i was driving. i had de eyes keep on well. so.. i've been keep yawning. bt the thing is. i jus cant sleep. and i dunnoe dats de effect of the redbull or i am nt tired at al because now is already 10.31am and it already sunshine. god.. its been sucha long while i last nvr sleep for a couple of days. and today. baru satu ari tk tido. mlayang satu angin. alryte. dats for now;

wil try my very best to close my eyes. and atleast get a nap. because tmrw it'l gona b de bigest exam for me.wil get back wit more news if thr is to update. have a nice dayy! and g00d day to al;

love to love*


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*