*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



hey al;
god damn befor i start saying this;i'l jus hav to say it'l stop no more then few secs soon;.i promise; alryte; i dunoe why the mother fcuking hell its jus so fckin hard for me to get al this done; with this mothr fcukin lappy lagging to the mthr fckin core. i rili swear im mthr fcukin pissed and the system is jus making me mthr fckin crazy.mcm nak lontar la ni laptop. lembab; sot siak aku.
haish -___-

ok alryte. glad it's al done. and i cn start my posting;

wel; geram; terpakse lepas kan geram mcm gitu. haishh. ok.. nth much happen lately; was on leave for 3 days since 12/04. and back to work on thurs and fri. rushed off to cdc on friday to hav de prac going; god. i swear i nak ckp i ni confident ke tidak pon i dunnoe. jus so unpredictable. gladly; i rili felt so thankful; i hav a very patient and supportive dad. aftr al de things i've done. i noe pretty well he stil love me like i tido bwh ketiak die dulu. i jus cnt define how honoured i hav him. disaat2 gini la.. rase2 terharu..

wel as for today; wen to cdc again; had de prac from 12-3. amazing though; bt bile nampak yg lain2 tgh running for tp. aku rase gementar tk terkate. short and sweet; it's exactly pending in a week's time to come; harap2 la evrything wil run smoothly; 'insyallah'.

aftr de prac, haha; met ab for a while; damn i dun care bt i hav to say this; i damny misses him man!! aftr so long last nampak die. lebih kurg adr la jugak 2tahun lebih nak masuk 3 tahun gitu last chill dgn die. then i noe; next we lose contct; i was so excited wen i saw him rili. die tu da kecik; nth less to say he's cute la. ha. so; sat down kat kedai kopi blakang cdc tu; and zai came. de weather today was so pretty nice&hot wen i was at cdc. nasib da sampai ruma; den it starts raining. wel; i was so lethargic la. cnt deny tat;

saw de kids at home; and big2 smile. especially baby. petes mulot die. skejap aku nak terlelap. die kejut. nanti die tanye asl aku nak tido. haha. lagi satu cute tu. wel; i miss her. tk dpt nak send her wen she wen home tadi.cos ptg teman along g kdai kopi to eat; and she was sleeping. kat kdai kopi tu; haish. hanye allah saje la yg tau ape aku rase. nasi putih. due mcm lauk. sayur bendeh and sotong msk itam- $3.50???!!!. mahal ke tuuuu.
haish. lapar punye pasal. den next 'jane' kirim beli rojak keling; adr la dlm 6 mcm bahan; - $7.40/ aku tau tu mamak tipu ar; cos i heard its $7.30. skali wen i asked lagik skali cos nah tunggu i nye 10cent, dier ckp $ its 10cent noe. still money. worth aku bayar duit public toilet. al aku tau; aku belom pekak lagik. along pon dgr de amount he mention. wahhh! mcm nak sepak je die pe dahi. pakkal pandang 'jane' nak mkn.. haish. marahhhh marahhhhhh -.-

dlm lepas maghrib gitu; met ela around my area; followed her off to cp. and chilled out. nth worth to say for the day; im sure you'l understand by lookin down de snapps. gotta hav de rest; prac's running at 1 tmrw. wahh. geramm gerammm...
g0od day to all!


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*