*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



first of al; i wanna say bigest thnks to al of my dearest gf.s up here for nvr fail to bring de smile and also give.s de sweetest and de most best in my heart. wil always miss those times we had together and wil nvr fail as to rmbr de memories and also those up.s and dwn.s we fight to go through wit one another. the strong cum amazing sistership we build; will always stand strong in my eyes. though we rarely mit now; i stil wishes u al de best in ur future endeavours and stay shine though wateva comes and may. to dearest mel and iesyah; trust me how busy i may b, i promise i wil try my best to kip u guys updated as before. *love; and wil always love as do;

today; had prac at 1. and was late like gues half an hour gitu. al because i ran around to look for my sickening belt kt ruma. and now i dunnoe whr da lost bende tu skrg. tu la satu2 nye belt yg aku adr. ni da ilg. da terpakse beli lagik satu. the thing is; i jus wonder why and whr bende tu da pegi. caught up til 3 plus kt cdc. and the cuace; soo sweeeeeeettttttttttttttttttt skaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
mcm spore tkde pokok nak berteduh. de nye terikk.. auzubillah.. allah saje yg tau.

while waiting for the bus to head back to sengkang; got a text from nal. rushhed home and cpat2 mandi siap balekk cos by then its already 4.50/ and he's fetching me at 5.20. and swear this is de first time i boleh siap ikot target. ha. head off to northpoint and catch up wit shutter island. i tknk commend byk tapi ape yg i tau; i hampir terlelap byk kali kt dlm. jus a hint la to those yg nak catch up wit the show. die mcm reality and soon u dpt tau its jus a mimpi tido. arrrhhh; that type. haa. jus dont understand much de story. bt cn say its interesting la cos tk expect main actor is actually crazy. haa. nonsense to the max.

had de puffs and head off to jalan kayu to eat. had my nasi goreng kerang and he had his mee goreng pataya without veggie. da kenyang. perut pon mcm masuk angin gituu kn. cos dat was de first and gues de last food im having for today. cos as this aftrnoon da rush nak date pakcik tu.. had susu aje...til den baruu had my food. wel; had de puffs again. chat2 and head off to cp. to get fish burger for 'tarzan' and 'jane'.

thats for the day; to nal. i enjoy every single bit im out wit u. every single bit of it. alryte. gotta catch up wit bed. haa. besok duty starts at 8. haishh.. and aftr that gota rush off to cdc lagik.. busy women for the week. good day to all;


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*