*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



hee. wel jus gt back from hub to meet el and zak earlier. came al de way aftr prac and dash over to hear some gooood gooood and everything gooood. hee. wel prac was fine. it was drizling though. and furthermr. rili forgotten to bring along my spec cos was in de dashed wit the sound of thunder. it's been god faith dat it turns out to be raining wen time strikes 4.30-5pm ya. haa. so rili hav to damny squeeze de eyes to see the surround. bt as good to say everything was perfectly smooth. gt a crap down wit ciggies. a treat by pakcik!! ha. he seems to be soo goood. heh.. gooooooooddddddddddd!!!

light the cab and head off to hub to meet them. had de mis wit the rojak and satay. bt it's alryte. wil catch up to lose the temp by tmrw. gt lost at sight. sempat hav de puffs. and met them. grab de old chang kee cos was soo famished. chill down and chit chat. it was jus for a lil while dat zak hav to leave. so had de piece of mind by el aftr dat kn. i understand things ar getting worse in my mind. tryin my fullest best to prove though i noe its still hard on my end. its been a yr plus. and nth seems to change this heart feeling. i wouldnt wana deny things hav nvr been as easy as smile cn b easily shows. lots of harm and lots of overcome. i stil dint get to make de move a single step further. how i could hav made de stupid mistake ystrday. and i noe i nvr seems to b as sth precious as it use to be. arh shito! cut de nonsense!!! i wouldnt wanna fall ill for the third.

had de puffs and head home. it was jus seem to be so early. bt havto cos it'l gona b another day tmrw. gona hav de prac at 7pm. and it shal b de next less den 48 hrs to go. or perhaps exact at 48hrs plus. and damn! GONA MEET DE BULLSEYE!!

wel; dats for today. gona catch up wit em under eja's place later and gona catch up wit ming arcade together wit zai and clicks. it'l gona be another day wit full of laughter. and hope it'l be de same as u al my dear readers. good day to al! ;


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*