*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



wel; today is like evry usual day; had the works nt that tough as it used to b like evry at the end of the month; org2 nye niari pon ader sikit good2. mayb tmpat i duduk tu today adr lucks flying i gues. thnkly la kan. thks to novel kak dila, i rili did enjoy myself's reading it; sampai terkekek2 sendiri tauu. imgine.. adr la jugak org2 yg nampak rya ktawe sendiri hm, susah tau org nak nampak aku gitu. bt wel; that novel occupies most of my time, rili. it helps alot noe; kips the time running. so.. for today; nt la that tired sgt. hopefully it'l gona b de same again for tmrw. 'insyallah.

had a bump dgn ira on the way bac tdik. been seeing her around sengkang lately, sorg lagi..and niari la baru dpt kesempatan to ask her, what she's been doing around here since last known back to udy's time. ira stil tinggal kat cck. wel wel; short and sweet; katenye rindu kekasih and cant avoid to come around to get bump into him. she's tryin her luck noe. and she miss from din's eye's for the very 3rd time ready. tk tau la tadik dpt ke die jumpe si din tu. hmm. rya plak; pegi je terserempak muke die; balek je nampk die tercegat kat mane2.,die da mcm edy part2/ kalau ikotkn ati aku. memang la jugak aku nak twon tamp buat kali aku tak tau yg ke brape. bt wel; biarla allah tu pertemukan kite; insyallah. cos skali aku twon aku nampak die dgn betine lain; buat sakit mate aku je untuk ape kan. wel wel; tak tergese2. janji, wil wait for the ryte time and happy2 always.

had a kol from dear mel tadik; rya apologize syg i cant mit you up today; had a fetch from my dad la dear. so wel; rya pon ingt to straight home to rest la kan. like this la... kalau besok keje.. niari byk keje kat tempat keje... lepas keje nak merayap... kalau besokk keje... niari kat keje takde byk keje.. bsok malas nak g keje.. kalau besok tk kejee.. niari kat keje takde byk keje... nak balekk siang. hm hm? mcm mane tu mel.. alryte dear. wil make it up wit you soon aite darling; misses*
alryte; bigest thks to hugs and kises from loved and and love from the bottom of my heart; especially emma. kau da makin cutee ehh.... hee. buat blog k; boleh tulis pasal aku plakk.aha. alryte alryte; wil catch wit yumi to indra and nura. and an.. aku tau kau slalu bace blog aku kebelakangan ni.. big big and bigest tnks to you too ;), love to fiance mary.

good day to all;


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*