*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



wel; had de same thing at work again ysterday.tunggu time je nak balek. bt perhaps; everyting was smooth la. jus dat de smooths yg buat rya ngantok sgt nak keje. again; novel kak dila keeps me accompany for good. thnks to her once more again. had a few snap nan ela; cn look ryte down aftr de end of my post ait.

fin celebration had a cancelled last nyte. was shocked la obviously; cos fiq intended to get the fun going. and i was rili looking forward to mit yumi. its ok emma; jgn sad. we'l mit soon alryte. next; aftr work made de plan nan ela. head off to bugis and shop around. we were like soo stuck kat this shop like mcm nak beli all the clothes der. de designs were so amazing. bought a few la; wil shop sumore soon; ni pon.. in a few mins time. rya nak siap2. gona mit them. bt stil on de run la; either to sing or shop again. hee. hmm.. and for ysterdy; otw back to.. nak tunggu cab.. mcm tunggu matair amik.. susah btol nak dpt cab kt sane.. ader yg dpt pon; reject cos tak g sengkang. last; jalan all de way to taxi stand and tunggu cab again.. mcm kalau kite da diri kat tu taxi stand an hour b4; rase da dpt cab da.. haa. nak rajin sgt; ingat diri kat dpan boleh dpt. haha. ni da mcm prangai indra; hee.

aite la; wil post again if bac wit more news. good day to all;

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*