*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



greetings al;
had a great day yesterday. rili great. was on leave due to 'diarrhea' . hm, been like going through it for couple of days already. had a cold for the 5th since 5plus am and had a call from 'jane' around 6.30. obviously, i woke up and sleep again. gt a kol again by 7. and i got up. dgn tuala rya tersandar dkat tembok. rase lebih kurang kasi dlm lest den 5 min la, rya bump balekk. hm. beauty one. bt gt a knock at 11plus; so take it easy, tak keje la senang kate. wel; soon later, around noon; had a beep from ela, we had de plan running since few days back. so tought kalau dint make it to work; gota make it a mis. bt how sweet; dey did remembred. had a quick one at home, and waited for zak around 8;

met her near my area; and we hop de cab to ion; deary; do jage diri aryte. jage makan. and i hope everything we run smoothly on surgeon day. met fiqa and ela at burger king, nak carik tu satu kedai makan, mcm nak carik anak ilang. terpusing2. and next we head off to ming arcade as booked at 9.45- it was a mis for fiqa, she gota leave early. bt wel; it was great. we had the sing til 12.45 gitu, and walked to sit around. had the toks.. change of sim, cal in, call out. had de puffs; and stayed gues til around 1.45am. lots of laughter + sorrow inside. gues they noe me already true well; thks you two for rili made my day. next, grab de cabby home cos no plan's running.

gt home; and wel, takde org kat rumah. it's as bac as day one. ryte down, i.l post some snaps took wit de four of us; can keep the reads going down til de end of post alryte;

for today, dpt a kol dari sis ryte early in the morning dlm.... 11. telefon rumah bangse zaman dulu2 punye, yg butang kene pusing, so u cn imagine brape nyaringnye kalau die bunyik. memang letak atas kpale, cos 'jane' wil call to wake me up for work on weekdays la. skali terlupe nak letak luar fon tu semalam, so trase mcm bumi bergegar skejap. slept at 4plus tadi malam. watched adnan sempit again sorg2 kat rume, so to enjoy de buaty sleep tak dpt la dienjoy kan. for de call; katenye swo teman g bugis. plan and planned, atlast met her at 3 at ws and head off. sampai je sane, dint get anything cos katenye tak berkenan. hm hm, atlast aku yg blanje lagik.

was suppose to get the trip back from ab's, bt guess yan had to stayed in. so, tak dpt la meet yumi tadi again. next i and de kids head off to city square to window shop around. honestly; dats de first and de last im going thr wit train. i dunwanna drop down ill kat tgh2 for de next one anymore. we catched up wit kfc and next head off wit 'nel'. wel; nt that interesting rili, bt it was sweet wit nadia and de two rascals around; misses them as much'.

wil catch up again, gona get my dinner once more. good that to all.

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*