*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



wel basically down wit one unpredictable issue for the evening. dint wen to work for today again and god damn true yea i'm rili playing punk sistas. haa. as said tmrw is the official off soo lebih kurg nak seminggu gitu aku da main angin. haa..wel, wouldnt be shy to say i'l wont get paranoid if i get a tender notice wen im bac this tuesday la. got noted too; all the best clickings ar leaving for good. and i find it nt surprising at al. heh.

dis is de most dumb in his ass. abah specially send me to cdc for today's 6.30 prac. and reached thr aje. gave a good notice to pakcik dat i reached and wil b waiting for him since time's stil running early. and dgn tak bersalahnye, he told me. he actually fixed it for tmrw and nt today. ape lagi... die bikin darahh gua boiling siak waii!!...-.- haish... wel; told him ryte to the bloddy handset. he gave me a kol yesterday blg me he cncel my circuit cos katenye sakit. and told me i'l b having a prac today at 6.30 and dgn takde pape nye die boleh ckp.. die ingat besok. katenye he leave today slot as a rest for me. wahh! krete die mintak kene lempar cat kn?. he even gt the urge to tell me to bring more den a $100 bucks ++ bcos he'l put me on circuit and prac for tmrw. wel tell him off. if he wouldnt to b canceling my prac yestrday and perhaps today, i wouldnt hav to fork out such a big amount. die pikir bpk aku org atas bank? katenye he cant come todayy cos he hav to teach a student cos he's having he's tp tmrw. tu nenek monyang die nye pasal. al i noe; first thing first aku da sampai. and second thing i havta clear his shit. sumore i came in drenced people. it was fcukin raning. hm.wel; simple la. aku fail aku nye tp monday ni; aku make sure aku sepakk die pe dahi. -.-

next head off to meet el and zak. we jus chill down at hougang. had kfc as dinner and soon later had de puffs; and fara came. it was sweet la. wateva nonsense i felt before dat; aftr met them. it'l soon fade away. dats one good thing. another gooood gooood.. aku beli bajuuuu lagikkk! -.- haish. cant stop the feminine la. ha. next out of no plans. me and zak grab de cab and head home. cos dey'r workin kn tmrw. lain la aku.. hoorayy2 happy.. hee..

wel; ckp pasal tadi mlm. head off to jalan kayu wit emma and clicks to hav supper. its a pity yumi takd, mis dat golden angle alot! gota and must catch up wit her soon! had nasi goreng lagik jus to kip full for the morning. and next head off to damp to jus chil down. it was another tragic bt great memories la. cos i dropped my phone down to de side river. thnkly it didnt dropped right inside the river. so, u guys cn ignore fai nye crap k. haa. goodly gracious; i hav alot of abg2 hero to get down and get the phone bac for me. it was a tripped la. and they noe; i wasnt tinkin straight at that moment. thnks to emma again for the chocolate cake that rili put me on high level last night. i had lots of fun. lots and lots wen im around wit al of u. thnks for cheering me up and made me the most secured wit u al. gota catch up wit them again tmrw perhaps and wil b down wit el again on sat.

wel; dats for today.ehee. nth muchh. wil be heading off tmrw to grandlink around noon to accompany afad and belove lela sing. and soon later havta head off to cdc again for de prac. and besok kalau to pakcik tue ckp tak jadik lagik. aku make sure aku conteng muke monyet duduk atas pumpkin kat krete die. hee. notty cica!!
good day to al! love to love*


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*