*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



tidak ade niat untuk mengaitkan atau menyakitkan hati mana2 pihak;
hanya untuk kite tinjau memikirkannya bersama;

- mengapa sesetengah hamba allah itu, hanya mampu sekuat2nya membuat segala-galanya apabila sudah berpunya, dan sanggup sinkirkan sahabat lama ketepi setelah sekian lama tidak berjumpa mahupun bertanya khabar..justeru; akan mencari sahabat yg kekal dunia dan akhirat itu semula apabila tiada siapa2 disamping mereka?

soalan yg sering ditanya2;
adakah sahabat yg stelah sekian lama berhubung kurang pentingnya daripada org yg baru sahaja dimilikinya? atau sahabat hanya sekadar tempat mereka yg hanya mengadu nasib apabila bermasalah.. ini sering dijadikan soalan timbulan apabila kita hairan akan kenyataan bahawa kita mempunyai orang seperti gitu dimana2 kita berada.

kenapa tidak mampu membandingkan akan kedua2nya adalah kurniaan allah yg amat penting di sisi kita dan dimuka bumi ini? .. justeru hanya mencari apabila suda tiada siapa2 disisi..

selain dari keluarga yg pertama pentingnya dari sesiapa.. mari kite tinjau bersama.. dan memberi iktibar sesama kita.. untuk duduk dan memikir bersama2 dimana silap sesetengah hamba allah itu dan pihak tersebut.

kasihanila org yg disayangi; kerana jika kehilangan atau kepergian mereka tidak kembali; akan jgn menyesal dengan sikap dan tengah laku apabila mereka masih hidup lagi;




*next to say; loving it~

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



*it'l nvr gona work out again* :'(

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



i cant wait for later!! (:

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



wahaha!! greetings al;
how u've all been doing? great? hm; well its been sucha while since i last update huh. bace all my sweet dearies nye blog. atleast adr new stories up for post. rather den mine; i broke the record for history i cn say. haha. as per said; again and again. im sure dis de last resort. jus dat; tak tau wad to do summore ovr de net. mayb keep it running on post yea. since its 2.24am now/

basically; jus gt bac dari mlake tadi. been shaking legs at home. and perhaps; cant deny it lots of things nid to b settled through and fro. though i dint hit the bullseye for the second tyme; im sure am nt giving it up. cos i badly nid the license. haha. thanks to all my dearies; and sweet iesyah and mel; for brightening up de day yea. though i dint geta meet u al as planned. i stil love all of u as loved! ;)

well; its jus de same thing again and again. bt sth special is running on track. haha. im sure u shud noe im very happy here. hmm. rya belom bersedia to kip it on post yet. just dat; jus wanna say; just watch and see ok? heheheheheheh~

i believe things ar getting diff here. im sure im glad to say. im no longer staying put in de past as per stayed put before this up till today. i realised dat though i made de wrong moves before to myself to kip loving u. i believe thats de rite choice for de break up. i knew things jus nvr gona work out. i should hav listen to siblings and friends advice. to move on. perhaps; well its almost a yr. and i believe allah still loves me and jus him who only noes wads best for myself; okay! dats a hint yea. the rest.. i'l go wit the flow.

hmm..its gonna be another day tmrw. and am rili looking forward for tuesday. hehe. cant wait!
as per read in papy's blog. just making a share love.

to dearest iesyah,mel,wani,baby,titi,nani; LOVE you grlfrens so much! ;)

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*


jus so u noe; things hav been so hard on my side. it's been worth a million wile of thinking. bt it seems im just making things more worse den i shud. i noe its been sucha while since i last blog. things hav been so hard at my end. and dis has always been de last resort as it seems cyberworld jus sucks big time.

im at home today. jus having de whole lot of thinking making. i had to move a step further. forward jus a little wile. bt why i jus cant. he noes dat i love him whole heartedly. and he came and go. wad does he wants actually from me? am i jus not good enough as to support him through behind al this while. and damn i jus dunnoe wat he wants and does. thus; im lost. pls giv me the strengh. ya allah.

ive been drinking alot this month. and it just make things worst den usual. roller coaster leads dis way. and im jus nt being myself.

i had umpteens of times of forgiving. bt i repeat things triple more every single day.

photoes ar uploaded in fb. and it was blast. a terrible blast for this month. i had my drinks on dear aisyah bdae. and dat is nt counted de weeks before. ive been drinking almost thrice every week. wad am i doing? and why it seems ive lost myself. aisyah's bdae was sweet. we were on to sing at bdok cash. and i sang it al out. though bdae grl hav to left early. it was a beautiful nite wit tasha. things were jus as smooth as we build de friendship way bac time.

gues like few days aftr that. had de scroll wit iqah and zida family. it was another beautiful time. bt the heart was nvr as beautiful as outer it seems. met iqah around evening. watch the kite flying at sengkang field. sadly; we cant geta see sunset. off to hougang to fetch zida and fam. and next we head off to woodland to get fried ice cream. gosh tells dat; it was sooo perfect. thnks to iqah she brought me to taste all this amazing stuff. nt forgotten my maggee seafood like as been soaked in kichap al the way -_-. and my chocolate blend. with de sweetnest of her niece. eveyrthing was so nice. next we head off to woodland waterfront. and again. things are bac to same in mind. i missed him. and how i just wish i could tel him dat. next we head off to jalan kayu. and just chill next at damp. de night was sweet. rili great.

lets jus start wad i could remembered. ive started work yestrday. and it's just a plain day wit or without excitement. drank again at night. and wel; last lost was way bac years. i cant believe i was lost last nyte. i believe things hav been so hard and de night is jus fulled wit 'MIMI'.

tell me. wad should i do?. its been a yr plus. wad does he wants actually from me. i hate it. i hate this to repeat itself every single fcuking day. guide me. pls; a soul; anyone.



seriously; i was thinkin wad am i gona do. consider ni da last resort la. blogging -.-, hmm. greetings to al. today is sucha a boring day. hari2 mcm do de same thing. gt up earlier today and was dissapointed wit myself; dint went for the interview again. haish. babi la aku ni. bsarkn tido. hmmm..

so.. had de chill wit fie this morning before he left to work. and .. surf de net; next karoke. 'alone'.. and now im here again. mak and abah went out to date -.- and yeh. jus hope today we'l head off bac to malacca. just so much to think in spore. it's still de same. no progress at al. hari2 pikiran. and wondering sick; wen jus dis gonna end.

so kalau tak balek today, should b tmrw. we'l b bac in spore this monday perhaps. wanna take dat chilling moment cos u knew wen ur out from here; de feeling is less diff. hence; u wont geta think much like ur here urself. bt once de car da step on to checkpoint je. gosh; rase stress balek.

honestly; i think it's about me. i jus love and mis him soo much. i dunnoe wen dis gona last. how i wish i cn hav dat spare little time to tell him this. it just hurt so much. it is.


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*




jus hope u readers out der; is as wel blossoming like i do ryte now.

things runned smoothly for couple of days well as i could remembered;
few days back was totally gonecase in my mind. as per nt forgotten. photo's ar up in fb ya.
met my sweetest bff. for as long as i dunnoe how many yrs we last talked. things wer as sweet as de first i knew her. wateva dat hav happened is totally crossed btw us. we ar now grateful;
dat we hav our ownway; own mindset to lead ahead. especially our future and love one.s. cnt deny; der's preety infinates of things to share. she;s de stil de best in de heart; dear iqah.

met her at hougang; over wit zida and de cute lovely son of her's.head off to sing at grandlink. and to the gosh. zida sings soooo well; she has it all man!! it was we head off to bugis. grab the LJ. and looked around. last bt nt the least; it was another sweetest and loved; gt bumped wit my deary deary mel ovr at bugis. gosh. i mis you terribly; rili do sis.

and yesterday nyte; gt a msg. i dunnoe wat a day. i jus feel so blessed and thankful. rili do. it's jus full of surprises. ya allah; i dunwan it to end.i jus want it tis way. its been sucha while since i feel like it.

i swear; i stil love him so much. i love him; i rili miss him alot. and its like. few mins soon; it's supposed to be our 1yr7mnths together. though i loved u from far dear. i jus wish ur happy. wish you'r rili happy our thr. though i cant geta see you. it doesn't matter i dint get wat i want; be it like before. i jus wish you are happy. thats al; as long as u do; im totally blessed and happier from here seeing you.


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



greetings; nvr a good day. it's nvr a good good day. lets jus skip dat part.

jus gt bac. later wil b heading off most probably to barrage wit iqah. its been yrs bac. thngs nvr as good. and we found it to say. thanks allah. we noe wats best for ourself now. im sure der's thick of words to talk bout. god! miss her terribly.

ok. actually its a dumb day. nak aje aku post aku tgh geram. bt hell; forget it la.

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*






heyy.. greetings to al;
cm lamee gituu kn last updated. haa. apologise big time. jus so busy wit stuffs lately. first of al; biggest thanks to dearest ema and clicks for tagging on and cari me like im lost in the jungle. haa. jus so for sure; im getting on de bordem to post like i used to la. haha. cm gini la; takde gunenye aku simpan kejadah2 ni sume. sooner later tanam jugak; btol la ape korg ckp. haha.alryte save it.

had de tender from recent consider now jus so called habiskn beras kt ruma je la. haha. its a fairytale la. balek lambat.. bangun lambat.. bangunn.. wash up.. makan.. cukup tyme.. karoke sendirik -.-, makan.. makann.. cukup tyme; gua tidooooo sampai besok tengahari waii....haha. enjoyyy.. cant deny; perfectly de system btol2 da lari lagi. haha. insyallah; new job on post next week; bt aint sure which day wil it b la. jus wanna get on wit it; and honestly settle everything for good. i dunnwanna get credit management to look for me on hold. zzzzZzZZZZZzz...

cant post much for wads de recent updates. cos mcm da lame tak post; lots of things to say and mention; and lots of the things; hav forgotten. so jus de recent2 one la ya. photos ar uploaded in fb. had zakiah 20th bdae yesterday wit shishaing. it was a superb hot and humid nytee.. tgh shisha.. wahhh.. gua rasa hotttt jee joy.. tgh balekk lagi.. tgh nak tunggu tu bus... trase keringg tekak siol. rili wonder; mane la angin tu da pegi. naikk je bus; arh kau.. anginnnnnn... tu org ckp ape.. panas lu bising; sejuk pon lu bising.. simple.. lu tutup suda lu pe mulot -.- haish. gonecase!
otw back to. bumped wit ilhan. bro nak g mancing dok.. tgh tunggu fie tu.. sempat la aku tanye; kau gi mancing ikann kee mancing apa bro? replied- kau tak nampak pe ni kayu mancing. -.- keraaatttttt.

alrytee.. tadi; ada panas.. on de nerves rili. ada org bikin panas sama gua. simple la. aku tgh malas skrg. wil kip updated bile nanti2 aku da oryte ok.. taid!!.. besar pe taid cekalaahhh!. bodo nak mampos. anjing lahanat!..

ok.. nak ckp puas tu belom. later2 kip updated arytee. goood day dearr readers!!



greatly thnks i wasnt as pissed as expected. i rolled backwrds up the slope. meaning??

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



g0od morning to my dear al;
wel; jus gt back from de date wit the pakcik earlier. wel; gues it's gona be a nightmare cos basically in less den 24 hrs time. i'm gona b down wit bullseye!! wel. stil on the rocks la. bt just hope wil go wit the best and flow.

basically had de prac ystrday that ended around 9pm gitu.planned wit el to head of to sing, actually. bt basically el is down wit god.s creature dat she change her mind to pub. and zak has her own reasons. wel; i didnt follow el obviously. cos ther's no such routine yet in the dictionary. so. advsd her to jus proceed on la. and baby wel; she did waited for me aftr al. obviously it was rili nice. bt nt til up to the occasion season. wait for zak's moment aryte el? *wink.

made a kol to fiq cos was told in anyways i've ended my prac. do giv him a kol to out for dinner. made a quick one. and he came ovr to fetch and we jus head off to cashstudio to sing. god wel damn while waiting for him. brother2nye punye bykkk. gues dey noe tht he.s reaching thrr soon that seems at dat moment, every single one of them seems to b dissapeared. amazing huh! dat is in the genes fiq. hee.

under planing to go either to simpang or ming arcade. so jus make a quick decision. jus book for de midnight. and head home for a while to cook for him. wel atleast he did taste on how i cooked. hee. make a quick one to clear the rabbit as dats the reason for me to jus head home actually. and grab de cab around 12am gitu to head off.. hee. to bedok inter cash. basically it was a biggest memory aftr al. as we last met each other gues around...3 yrs plus before. and aftr al dis long last we met now once more again. sang la.. dari rock to i dunnoe wad ..sampai ke dangdut. ha. cant deny it he rili do have a great voice. teringat balek dat he created a song jus for me on my bdae. dat was... ya.. 3 yrs back..hmm..of cos i didnt forget that fiq..soo...sang la and laughed till cashstudio closes gitu. around 4am.

it was lots of stories to tell rili. for this 3 yrs plus i didnt giv a slight meet to him. i rili loses alot of interesting was nice. today was a fine and perfect day for us. aftr de sing. head of to cheers and grab my REDBULL. i am suppose to b sleeping at that time actually. bt im actually outside having fun. haa. so. afraid i'l b sleeping and afraid i'l cant get up.. jus grab de redbull to keep me awake for the next few hours. bought the energy one. bt rili bile part duduk dgn die. tgk bintang.. and of cos had my puffs to avoid me sleeping. i makin ngantok.. god damn de effect is totally slow ppl. had de talks and leave bedok around 5.15am wit the cab sending us off.

da sampai ruma.. bukak tv.. avoid myself from lying down. baruuu.. dapat rase de active once more. i cant deny i do feel tired while im typing now. bt atleast while i was driving. i had de eyes keep on well. so.. i've been keep yawning. bt the thing is. i jus cant sleep. and i dunnoe dats de effect of the redbull or i am nt tired at al because now is already 10.31am and it already sunshine. god.. its been sucha long while i last nvr sleep for a couple of days. and today. baru satu ari tk tido. mlayang satu angin. alryte. dats for now;

wil try my very best to close my eyes. and atleast get a nap. because tmrw it'l gona b de bigest exam for me.wil get back wit more news if thr is to update. have a nice dayy! and g00d day to al;

love to love*


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



hee. wel jus gt back from hub to meet el and zak earlier. came al de way aftr prac and dash over to hear some gooood gooood and everything gooood. hee. wel prac was fine. it was drizling though. and furthermr. rili forgotten to bring along my spec cos was in de dashed wit the sound of thunder. it's been god faith dat it turns out to be raining wen time strikes 4.30-5pm ya. haa. so rili hav to damny squeeze de eyes to see the surround. bt as good to say everything was perfectly smooth. gt a crap down wit ciggies. a treat by pakcik!! ha. he seems to be soo goood. heh.. gooooooooddddddddddd!!!

light the cab and head off to hub to meet them. had de mis wit the rojak and satay. bt it's alryte. wil catch up to lose the temp by tmrw. gt lost at sight. sempat hav de puffs. and met them. grab de old chang kee cos was soo famished. chill down and chit chat. it was jus for a lil while dat zak hav to leave. so had de piece of mind by el aftr dat kn. i understand things ar getting worse in my mind. tryin my fullest best to prove though i noe its still hard on my end. its been a yr plus. and nth seems to change this heart feeling. i wouldnt wana deny things hav nvr been as easy as smile cn b easily shows. lots of harm and lots of overcome. i stil dint get to make de move a single step further. how i could hav made de stupid mistake ystrday. and i noe i nvr seems to b as sth precious as it use to be. arh shito! cut de nonsense!!! i wouldnt wanna fall ill for the third.

had de puffs and head home. it was jus seem to be so early. bt havto cos it'l gona b another day tmrw. gona hav de prac at 7pm. and it shal b de next less den 48 hrs to go. or perhaps exact at 48hrs plus. and damn! GONA MEET DE BULLSEYE!!

wel; dats for today. gona catch up wit em under eja's place later and gona catch up wit ming arcade together wit zai and clicks. it'l gona be another day wit full of laughter. and hope it'l be de same as u al my dear readers. good day to al! ;


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



wel basically down wit one unpredictable issue for the evening. dint wen to work for today again and god damn true yea i'm rili playing punk sistas. haa. as said tmrw is the official off soo lebih kurg nak seminggu gitu aku da main angin. haa..wel, wouldnt be shy to say i'l wont get paranoid if i get a tender notice wen im bac this tuesday la. got noted too; all the best clickings ar leaving for good. and i find it nt surprising at al. heh.

dis is de most dumb in his ass. abah specially send me to cdc for today's 6.30 prac. and reached thr aje. gave a good notice to pakcik dat i reached and wil b waiting for him since time's stil running early. and dgn tak bersalahnye, he told me. he actually fixed it for tmrw and nt today. ape lagi... die bikin darahh gua boiling siak waii!!...-.- haish... wel; told him ryte to the bloddy handset. he gave me a kol yesterday blg me he cncel my circuit cos katenye sakit. and told me i'l b having a prac today at 6.30 and dgn takde pape nye die boleh ckp.. die ingat besok. katenye he leave today slot as a rest for me. wahh! krete die mintak kene lempar cat kn?. he even gt the urge to tell me to bring more den a $100 bucks ++ bcos he'l put me on circuit and prac for tmrw. wel tell him off. if he wouldnt to b canceling my prac yestrday and perhaps today, i wouldnt hav to fork out such a big amount. die pikir bpk aku org atas bank? katenye he cant come todayy cos he hav to teach a student cos he's having he's tp tmrw. tu nenek monyang die nye pasal. al i noe; first thing first aku da sampai. and second thing i havta clear his shit. sumore i came in drenced people. it was fcukin raning. hm.wel; simple la. aku fail aku nye tp monday ni; aku make sure aku sepakk die pe dahi. -.-

next head off to meet el and zak. we jus chill down at hougang. had kfc as dinner and soon later had de puffs; and fara came. it was sweet la. wateva nonsense i felt before dat; aftr met them. it'l soon fade away. dats one good thing. another gooood gooood.. aku beli bajuuuu lagikkk! -.- haish. cant stop the feminine la. ha. next out of no plans. me and zak grab de cab and head home. cos dey'r workin kn tmrw. lain la aku.. hoorayy2 happy.. hee..

wel; ckp pasal tadi mlm. head off to jalan kayu wit emma and clicks to hav supper. its a pity yumi takd, mis dat golden angle alot! gota and must catch up wit her soon! had nasi goreng lagik jus to kip full for the morning. and next head off to damp to jus chil down. it was another tragic bt great memories la. cos i dropped my phone down to de side river. thnkly it didnt dropped right inside the river. so, u guys cn ignore fai nye crap k. haa. goodly gracious; i hav alot of abg2 hero to get down and get the phone bac for me. it was a tripped la. and they noe; i wasnt tinkin straight at that moment. thnks to emma again for the chocolate cake that rili put me on high level last night. i had lots of fun. lots and lots wen im around wit al of u. thnks for cheering me up and made me the most secured wit u al. gota catch up wit them again tmrw perhaps and wil b down wit el again on sat.

wel; dats for today.ehee. nth muchh. wil be heading off tmrw to grandlink around noon to accompany afad and belove lela sing. and soon later havta head off to cdc again for de prac. and besok kalau to pakcik tue ckp tak jadik lagik. aku make sure aku conteng muke monyet duduk atas pumpkin kat krete die. hee. notty cica!!
good day to al! love to love*


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



greetings al;
wel, nth much for today. i was rili down wit break from work. and gues it'l b a shot to go and HAVTO FORCE for tmrw. it'l b a day left cos fri the official off duty. haa..and wel, mcm hav de feeling dat wil take de leave again for sat gitu. cos wil be busy down wit prac til sun. lagik tarzan, jane and fie takde. moodless gilerr.

tadi dpt a kol, telling me tonights circuit's cancel. cos die sakit. sakit ape tu aku kurang pasti la skali. felt corrupted la sgt; cos one reason aku tk g keje today. is due i nid lots of energy for tonight. skali die kol ckp tak jadik. haish. part of tat; swear is bored at home la. tapi masalah nye nie mcm kurang vitamin kn. wel wel. rili havta force tmrw. rili havta force.

gota catch up wit el and de rest tmrw. rili apologise big time i've nt been dropping by. i jus hope u guys wil provide ur understanding wit me. for dis couple of few days left only... and lepas tu korg nak bwk aku gi mane2. smooothhh machineee.... (:

thks to ema last nyte for bringing the chocolate cookies. rili loveee it alot dear. the taste! jus so amazing em. tk nyesal la yan kahwin nan kau. hari2 steam chocolate cookie jee. wakaka. suar ar! ni zai ar ni. pasal ko!! aku jadik tebiat mcm gini tauuu...

alryte. wil catch up wit clicks for the weekends. and now. jus come and go. gota hav my dinner. and soon wil b back if thrs more news up for updates. good day to all;


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



greetings al;
wel; jus got back from prac. alhamdullilah. everything was down smoothly. jus rili hope it'l go wit de first and de last for this 26th. insyallah it'l b al out. and jus hope. it'l b success for this target. tmrw down wit prac lagik from 9-10pm. and yea. jus hope it shall be fine aje. as de days coming, i swear my feeling is corrupting.

mak, abah and fie wont be around from dis fri-sun. dey'l b away to mlake, and again, im standing alone for the weekends. for this whole entire week, wil b busy down wit prac. bt on fri wil try my very best to catch up wit emma and clicks. shall see how it goes. and no doubt wil b catchin up wit ela and de rest on sat.

el; stay strong. wil always stand behind you and supports u through.

gota end dis fast, gona hav my dinner and gota get an early rest. cos tmrw's workin aftr a long break and aftr dat gota catch wit prac again.

love to al and love to love;


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



greetings to al;
wel; today its jus some ordinary again. dint wen to work cos was caught in a mess. kate 'jane', i woke her up early around 4plus tis mrning. to let her noe not to wake me up cos i was on leave. gladly i realised i knew i dint do dat sorts. and de most tragic part is i sleepwalk. haish. i nvr knew i was like dat. and de most bulshit part for the day. is i stalled de car for more at most 7 times. i dunnoe wad de bloody hell was i thinking. al i noe i ended up being pissed off.

makin de car stalled; makin corrupted la aku nk drive. rili trase down rabak la. and dat's for the day. it was nvr as perfect as any other day; good day to al


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*


-Down wit less den 7 more days to come; gemennnntarrrrrrrrrrr.........!!!!

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



first of al; i wanna say bigest thnks to al of my dearest gf.s up here for nvr fail to bring de smile and also give.s de sweetest and de most best in my heart. wil always miss those times we had together and wil nvr fail as to rmbr de memories and also those up.s and dwn.s we fight to go through wit one another. the strong cum amazing sistership we build; will always stand strong in my eyes. though we rarely mit now; i stil wishes u al de best in ur future endeavours and stay shine though wateva comes and may. to dearest mel and iesyah; trust me how busy i may b, i promise i wil try my best to kip u guys updated as before. *love; and wil always love as do;

today; had prac at 1. and was late like gues half an hour gitu. al because i ran around to look for my sickening belt kt ruma. and now i dunnoe whr da lost bende tu skrg. tu la satu2 nye belt yg aku adr. ni da ilg. da terpakse beli lagik satu. the thing is; i jus wonder why and whr bende tu da pegi. caught up til 3 plus kt cdc. and the cuace; soo sweeeeeeettttttttttttttttttt skaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
mcm spore tkde pokok nak berteduh. de nye terikk.. auzubillah.. allah saje yg tau.

while waiting for the bus to head back to sengkang; got a text from nal. rushhed home and cpat2 mandi siap balekk cos by then its already 4.50/ and he's fetching me at 5.20. and swear this is de first time i boleh siap ikot target. ha. head off to northpoint and catch up wit shutter island. i tknk commend byk tapi ape yg i tau; i hampir terlelap byk kali kt dlm. jus a hint la to those yg nak catch up wit the show. die mcm reality and soon u dpt tau its jus a mimpi tido. arrrhhh; that type. haa. jus dont understand much de story. bt cn say its interesting la cos tk expect main actor is actually crazy. haa. nonsense to the max.

had de puffs and head off to jalan kayu to eat. had my nasi goreng kerang and he had his mee goreng pataya without veggie. da kenyang. perut pon mcm masuk angin gituu kn. cos dat was de first and gues de last food im having for today. cos as this aftrnoon da rush nak date pakcik tu.. had susu aje...til den baruu had my food. wel; had de puffs again. chat2 and head off to cp. to get fish burger for 'tarzan' and 'jane'.

thats for the day; to nal. i enjoy every single bit im out wit u. every single bit of it. alryte. gotta catch up wit bed. haa. besok duty starts at 8. haishh.. and aftr that gota rush off to cdc lagik.. busy women for the week. good day to all;


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



hey al;
god damn befor i start saying this;i'l jus hav to say it'l stop no more then few secs soon;.i promise; alryte; i dunoe why the mother fcuking hell its jus so fckin hard for me to get al this done; with this mothr fcukin lappy lagging to the mthr fckin core. i rili swear im mthr fcukin pissed and the system is jus making me mthr fckin crazy.mcm nak lontar la ni laptop. lembab; sot siak aku.
haish -___-

ok alryte. glad it's al done. and i cn start my posting;

wel; geram; terpakse lepas kan geram mcm gitu. haishh. ok.. nth much happen lately; was on leave for 3 days since 12/04. and back to work on thurs and fri. rushed off to cdc on friday to hav de prac going; god. i swear i nak ckp i ni confident ke tidak pon i dunnoe. jus so unpredictable. gladly; i rili felt so thankful; i hav a very patient and supportive dad. aftr al de things i've done. i noe pretty well he stil love me like i tido bwh ketiak die dulu. i jus cnt define how honoured i hav him. disaat2 gini la.. rase2 terharu..

wel as for today; wen to cdc again; had de prac from 12-3. amazing though; bt bile nampak yg lain2 tgh running for tp. aku rase gementar tk terkate. short and sweet; it's exactly pending in a week's time to come; harap2 la evrything wil run smoothly; 'insyallah'.

aftr de prac, haha; met ab for a while; damn i dun care bt i hav to say this; i damny misses him man!! aftr so long last nampak die. lebih kurg adr la jugak 2tahun lebih nak masuk 3 tahun gitu last chill dgn die. then i noe; next we lose contct; i was so excited wen i saw him rili. die tu da kecik; nth less to say he's cute la. ha. so; sat down kat kedai kopi blakang cdc tu; and zai came. de weather today was so pretty nice&hot wen i was at cdc. nasib da sampai ruma; den it starts raining. wel; i was so lethargic la. cnt deny tat;

saw de kids at home; and big2 smile. especially baby. petes mulot die. skejap aku nak terlelap. die kejut. nanti die tanye asl aku nak tido. haha. lagi satu cute tu. wel; i miss her. tk dpt nak send her wen she wen home tadi.cos ptg teman along g kdai kopi to eat; and she was sleeping. kat kdai kopi tu; haish. hanye allah saje la yg tau ape aku rase. nasi putih. due mcm lauk. sayur bendeh and sotong msk itam- $3.50???!!!. mahal ke tuuuu.
haish. lapar punye pasal. den next 'jane' kirim beli rojak keling; adr la dlm 6 mcm bahan; - $7.40/ aku tau tu mamak tipu ar; cos i heard its $7.30. skali wen i asked lagik skali cos nah tunggu i nye 10cent, dier ckp $ its 10cent noe. still money. worth aku bayar duit public toilet. al aku tau; aku belom pekak lagik. along pon dgr de amount he mention. wahhh! mcm nak sepak je die pe dahi. pakkal pandang 'jane' nak mkn.. haish. marahhhh marahhhhhh -.-

dlm lepas maghrib gitu; met ela around my area; followed her off to cp. and chilled out. nth worth to say for the day; im sure you'l understand by lookin down de snapps. gotta hav de rest; prac's running at 1 tmrw. wahh. geramm gerammm...
g0od day to all!


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*