*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



seriously; i was thinkin wad am i gona do. consider ni da last resort la. blogging -.-, hmm. greetings to al. today is sucha a boring day. hari2 mcm do de same thing. gt up earlier today and was dissapointed wit myself; dint went for the interview again. haish. babi la aku ni. bsarkn tido. hmmm..

so.. had de chill wit fie this morning before he left to work. and .. surf de net; next karoke. 'alone'.. and now im here again. mak and abah went out to date -.- and yeh. jus hope today we'l head off bac to malacca. just so much to think in spore. it's still de same. no progress at al. hari2 pikiran. and wondering sick; wen jus dis gonna end.

so kalau tak balek today, should b tmrw. we'l b bac in spore this monday perhaps. wanna take dat chilling moment cos u knew wen ur out from here; de feeling is less diff. hence; u wont geta think much like ur here urself. bt once de car da step on to checkpoint je. gosh; rase stress balek.

honestly; i think it's about me. i jus love and mis him soo much. i dunnoe wen dis gona last. how i wish i cn hav dat spare little time to tell him this. it just hurt so much. it is.


*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*