*jus a short and a simple one .
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into*

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.



*it'l nvr gona work out again* :'(

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



i cant wait for later!! (:

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*



wahaha!! greetings al;
how u've all been doing? great? hm; well its been sucha while since i last update huh. bace all my sweet dearies nye blog. atleast adr new stories up for post. rather den mine; i broke the record for history i cn say. haha. as per said; again and again. im sure dis de last resort. jus dat; tak tau wad to do summore ovr de net. mayb keep it running on post yea. since its 2.24am now/

basically; jus gt bac dari mlake tadi. been shaking legs at home. and perhaps; cant deny it lots of things nid to b settled through and fro. though i dint hit the bullseye for the second tyme; im sure am nt giving it up. cos i badly nid the license. haha. thanks to all my dearies; and sweet iesyah and mel; for brightening up de day yea. though i dint geta meet u al as planned. i stil love all of u as loved! ;)

well; its jus de same thing again and again. bt sth special is running on track. haha. im sure u shud noe im very happy here. hmm. rya belom bersedia to kip it on post yet. just dat; jus wanna say; just watch and see ok? heheheheheheh~

i believe things ar getting diff here. im sure im glad to say. im no longer staying put in de past as per stayed put before this up till today. i realised dat though i made de wrong moves before to myself to kip loving u. i believe thats de rite choice for de break up. i knew things jus nvr gona work out. i should hav listen to siblings and friends advice. to move on. perhaps; well its almost a yr. and i believe allah still loves me and jus him who only noes wads best for myself; okay! dats a hint yea. the rest.. i'l go wit the flow.

hmm..its gonna be another day tmrw. and am rili looking forward for tuesday. hehe. cant wait!
as per read in papy's blog. just making a share love.

to dearest iesyah,mel,wani,baby,titi,nani; LOVE you grlfrens so much! ;)

*sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard*